Stonebraker's OGT Science

The Ohio Graduation Test in Science was one of my main focuses in my first job working at West High School in Columbus. I prepared a lot of material for helping students with the OGT while I was there, and some of it can be found below.

Although the OGT is being phased out in the coming years, there are still many high-stakes standardized tests that students need to be ready for. So, most of these files will remain helpful to anybody studying this material even if it's not this exact same test.

The science OGT is split into four strands or topics:

  1. Earth and space science,
  2. life science,
  3. physical science, and
  4. "science processes".

The last of these is the strand where many students do the worst, in part because it's given so little explicit attention in most science classes. The science processes strand covers three broad areas from the old Ohio science standards, including "science and technology", "scientific inquiry", and "scientific ways of knowing". Ethics in scientific research falls under the ways of knowing standard and most of the students I worked with seemed to have had no prior experience thinking about it.

Study guides


Constructed response help

Constructed response -- detailed looks

Practice tests

Released question database

Write your own sample tests!

Notes on file formats:


Creative Commons License
These works by Steve Stonebraker are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

Further, I grant to individual teachers and tutors the right to do the following without adhering to the "Attribution" or "ShareAlike" clauses of the Creative Commons license:

In plain language: the "spirit" of my licensing is that I want teachers and students to have unhindered access to my files for the direct purpose of teaching / learning. If a teacher wants to use my work with their students as-is or after tweaking, they can do so without needing to attribute me as the author or restate the license. However, if a teacher wants to distribute my work (as-is or tweaked) to any audiences beyond their own students, such as other teachers, then I do expect all of the Creative Commons clauses to be followed.

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Last modified on 2016-March-27.